
work programme: secure, clean and efficient energy

Building and consumers: the biggest challenge when reducing energy use in buildings is to increase the rate, quality and effectiveness of building renovation.

To do this, it is necessary to reduce renovation costs and also to increase the speed at which it can be carried out in order to minimise disturturbance for occupiers. 

To achieve an ambitious increase of the renovation rate, effective solutions need to be widely demonstrated and replicated.

-Manufacturing of prefabricated modules for renovation of buildings

-Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings

-Energy strategies and solutions for deep renovation of historic buildings

-Construction skills

-Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organisation innovations and creating a market for deep renovation


L’architettura è una cosa che mi piace e mi interessa perchè è come la musica, non puoi impedirti di sentirla, sta lì te la becchi per forza quando c’è, e per questo mi fa un pò incazzare questa politica asservita all’idea che il turismo ha della Toscana (o noi crediamo che il turista abbia) e di certe zone italiane per cui vogliono il vin santo con i cantuccini e tuti i ristoranti offrono vin santo con i cantuccini senza cercare la qualità ma piuttosto la definizione del prodotto standard. 

E’ un discorso lungo, in poche parole io non amo il turismo è un tipo di guerra a volte più distruttivo della guerra. Non si dovrebbe mai viaggiare per turismo, perchè è il contrario esatto del viaggio. Bisogna sempre viaggiare per gli antichi motivi: per lavoro, per conquistare spazi, per pellegrinaggio. Il pellegrinaggio è il più nobile dei motivi ma anche il mercanteggiare è motivo degno. 

Ma il turismo no, il turismo lo concepisco solo in gita scolastica.

Lorenzo Jovanotti, Viva Tutto!

Sono proprio felice di aver viaggiato in questo 2013 non per turismo…

For foreign friends, you can translate here: 



#jovanotti #vivatutto #trip 



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Alunni e docenti condividono il processo di costruzione del sapere attraverso l’uso di strumenti tecnologicamente avanzati

Per chiunque pensi che affrontare l’educazione e l’insegnamento ai tempi di Internet e del digitale non sia solo fornire le scuole di computer e gli studenti e gli insegnanti di tablet, segnalo due progetti davvero interessanti che si chiamano “Impara Digitale” e “Tablet School”







Scandinavia Celebrates the Feast of St. Lucia

To see more festive photos and videos, browse the #santalucia, #lussekatter and #lucia hashtags.

In Scandinavia, you are guaranteed three things each winter: long nights, crisp snowy days and the feast of St. Lucia. Every December 13, children in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark celebrate the gift of light, the coming of Christmas and the ancient Norse tradition of the Winter Solstice. St. Lucia’s traditions include a luciatåg—a candle procession symbolizing the gift of light—and eating saffron buns with raisins called lussekatter.

Foodies Ida Skivenes (@idafrosk) and Linda Lomelino (@linda_lomelino) look forward to the yearly celebration as a time for gathering together with loved ones and baking lussekatter. “For me, St. Lucia Day means Christmas is coming near. It’s a warm and cozy celebration, perfectly timed for the usually cold and dark winter,” says Skivenes. “As a child, I would take part in the candle processions, dressed in a white robe, holding a lit candle, and handing out freshly baked saffron buns while singing the Lucia song. As an adult, I simply enjoy eating the pastries and drinking hot chocolate or mulled wine (gløgg) with friends or family.”

Ina Johnsen (@matpaabordet), enjoys the luciatåg. “If you are lucky enough to have kids in kindergarten you’ll have adorable boys and girls dressed in angelic white nightgowns with silver wreaths around their heads to send off to school.” The children mirror the actions of St. Lucia, a third century martyr who is said to have secretly delivered food to persecuted Christians in the catacombs of Rome by bringing candlelight and lussekatter to friends and family.

Stories differ on where and when lussekatter, which translates to “cat eyes,” entered into the feast day tradition, but people of all ages eagerly look forward to eating the special S-shaped pastries spiced with saffron to intensify the flavor and color of ordinary yeast buns. “I always eat at least one lussekatt,” says Lomelino. “But preferably more!” Amid of the cold, dark winter, you’ll find those celebrating St. Lucia Day sharing scenes on Instagram of these special pastries and drinks in the warm company of friends and family.