The world’s largest telescope made with data
Look up on a starry night and consider this: in our lifetime we just might find the answers to one of life’s biggest mysteries, and we mean BIG. Dutch research institute, Astron and its international partners are building the world’s largest radio telescope, aka The Square Kilometer Array, to get a glimpse of the origins of the universe. This big telescope is made up of thousands of interconnected smaller telescopes, carefully arranged in fractal patterns to let us look back in time more than 13 billion years—to mere seconds after the universe was created. How on Earth is this possible? By processing exabytes of Big Data (That’s a 1, plus 18 zeroes) in real time. Or roughly 3X the amount of data running through the Internet per day. Amazingly, this will let scientists map out how the universe came to be. Imagine the look on Galileo’s face if he were here to see it.
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OpenPaths is a private, secure data locker for personal location information.
Keg Apartment | Aristide Antonas
- The keg apartment is proposed as a program. One can also recognize different strata of architectural solutions in this work. They are grouped here in two versions. The keg wagons can be detached from their cars and can form more stable units for a certain period. A big circular window can be introduced in the vehicle’s cylinder towards the car’s side with the use of an enforced circular frame. This will give the form of a window open to the driver’s section or to any chosen view if the keg stops in a particular way. The circular window can also serve as a projection screen surface if a special tissue is unfolded.
Akkarvik Roadside Restroom | Manthey Kula Architects
Location: Lofoten, Norway
E domani si inizia con la progettazione delle nuove fabbriche del sapere, del produrre e dell’abitare legate al tema della sostenibilità. L’obiettivo è di abbassare l’impronta ecologica rinnovando i modelli produttivi attraverso l’aumento dell’innovazione tramite il sapere delle persone. Chi sarà il protagonista di questo cambiamento? Il progettista del 2014 al quale si presenta uno scenario urbano carico di opportunità, ma allo stesso tempo molto complesso da decodificare: dovrà coordinare le scelte utilizzando le capacità accresciute dalla cibernetica e utilizzerà nuove metriche per valutare l’efficacia dei progetti. E che l’avventura abbia inizio…
#scuola 8.0
I vettori del cambiamento #inclusione
Cibernetica e visione antropocentrica come nuova sfida per la progettazione.
Keg Apartment | Aristide Antonas - The keg apartment is proposed as a program. One can also recognize different strata of architectural solutions in this work. They are grouped here in two versions. The keg wagons can be detached from their cars and can form more stable units for a certain period. A big circular window can be introduced in the vehicle’s cylinder towards the car’s side with the use of an enforced circular frame. This will give the form of a window open to the driver’s section or to any chosen view if the keg stops in a particular way. The circular window can also serve as a projection screen surface if a special tissue is unfolded.
Continuare ad essere studenti curiosi…
Being a Continual Learner
The powerful quote, “tomorrow’s illiterate will not be the man who can’t read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn” has been attributed to Alvin Toffler (although this is unconfirmed).
Continual learning is not simply acquiring new skills or accumulating facts, it is a daily frame of mind that includes curiosity, critical thinking, reflection, and more.
We are in a unique age in which access to information is routine for most of us. Information can be retrieved as quickly as you can type on, or speak to, your smartphone. However, retrieving information is not the continual learning I’m referring to.
Where does learning take place? Learning is not confined to formal settings such as universities, workplaces, and classrooms. Learning is everywhere when you anticipate it. It’s in your home, car, community, imagination, and on and on.
How do you position yourself as a continual learner?
A continual learner must first have curiosity. This curiosity includes a willingness to recognize you don’t know, and being willing to be wrong and having your view of the world challenged.
You need to be present in the world. This means watching, listening, reflecting upon your experiences, and asking questions. Begin the day asking why and how of the world. Make a goal of truly inquiring from someone daily. Do this at work, the coffee shop, with your friends and family, and anyone! Don’t passively listen to people around you; ask open ended and deep questions, you might be surprised of the answers if you listen.
Remove clutter and noise. Consider how you spend your down time. Eliminate senseless noise and make space to pause and reflect. Start a journal in which you write some notes about your day, the learning that took place, and your curiosities.
Join or create a learning community. Take a MOOC and meet with fellow learners in your area, join or start a Meetup, or use any means to make your learning social and full of rich dialogue. Learning communities can be formed around a curiosity, a podcast, a book, or just about anything. Be strategic with this by engaging in topics and people outside of your usual comfort zone.
Being a continual learner begins with a curiosity and grows as you continue to seek and explore. Now, go forth and learn! I’d love to hear your experiences as a continual learner.
Michael Dillon, Ed.D.
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