

     No one before Bernini had managed to make marble so carnal. In his nimble hands it would flatter and stream, quiver and sweat. His figures weep and shout, their torses twist and run, and arch themselves in spasms of intense sensation. He could, like an alchemist, change one material into another - marble into trees, leaves, hair, and, of course, flesh.  
     -   Simon Schama’s Power of Art. Bernini



Finding Googly-Eyed Creatures Everywhere with @alen4a_b

For more photos and videos of googly-eyed monsters, browse the #я_тебя_вижу hashtag and follow project contributors @alen4a_b, @gmentezi and @olasimxa on Instagram

For Ukraine Instagrammer Alena Baranova (@alen4a_b), the world is full of living creatures many people fail to notice.

She loves bringing everyday objects to life and giving them new, unexpected identities. As she lets her imagination run wild, Instagram has become her creative sketchbook for ideas. Inspired by childhood games, she bought a pack of googly-eye stickers and began to post photos of her new living creations with the hashtag #ятебявижу, which translates to “I see you.”

"The hashtag ‘I see you’ is a continuation of my favorite story from childhood," she says. "The world is full of living creatures, and adults forget about it when they grow up—so I resurrected my favorite game about pretty monsters."

Other Instagrammers welcomed the project. Alena sent a similar packet of googly-eye stickers to Ukraine Instagrammer Evgeniya Drach (@gmentezi) to take part, who also shared the eyes with her sister Olga Simxa (@olasimxa). Since then, the three Instagrammers have been finding little monsters everywhere. “Evgeniya and Olga make cooking videos and spend a lot of time in the kitchen,” explains Alena. “That’s why food, vegetables and fruits are often the subjects of the project.”

As for Alena herself, she carries a special small box with the eyes in it so she is ready to shoot at any second inspiration appears.


Regolarizzazione di bene acquistato da esecuzioni immobiliari

Nel caso di acquisizioni giudiziarie immobiliari effettuate tramite decreto di trasferimento, si ha tempo 120 giorni per richiedere la regolarizzazione urbanistica/catastale, facendo attenzione a distinguere fra condono e sanatoria. I condoni sono quelli fatti nel ‘85, ‘94 e 2003 e rappresentavano un evento eccezionale, dove si poteva regolarizzare a costi più contenuti rispetto alla sanatoria.

La sanatoria invece è uno strumento “ordinario” in cui il proprietario regolarizza quanto conforme agli strumenti urbanistici.

Per gli immobili provenienti da situazioni giudiziarie si ha la possibilità di rientrare nelle regole e nei costi previsti per questa tipologia di iter amministrativo a patto che:

-si formalizzi la pratica (di riapertura dei termini del condono edilizio) entro 120 giorni dalla pubblicazione del decreto di trasferimento

-le ragioni del credito siano anteriori alle scadenze previste per il condono che si intende sfruttare

Questo secondo punto è cruciale.

Se l’immobile ha una data antecedente al 1985 o al 1994 o al 2003 allora può rientrare nelle regole specifiche per quel condono, altrimenti se antecedente ricadrà nei costi (di norma più alti) e nell’iter autorizzativo della sanatoria.

Riferimenti legislativi:

legge 47/85, legge 724/94, legge 326/2003 e per la regione Veneto LRV 5.11.2004 n.21


Human Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort is difficult to measure because it is highly subjective. It depends on the air temperature, humidity, radiant temperature, air speeds, activity rates, and clothing levels. However, each individual experiences these sensations a bit differently based on his or her physiology and state.

Factors in Human Comfort

Use the widget to get an intuitive sense for the factors that play into human comfort, and what makes us too hot or too cold. Drag the sliders with your mouse to experiment with different values. - See more at



Unsolicited Architecture
Despite our skill and experience in manipulating space and material, architects are incapable of addressing the needs of society unless we have first been explicitly asked to do so. Unsolicited Architecture, a bootleg edition of Volume Magazine, in twelve easy steps suggests to architects how to create briefs where none are written, discover sites where none are owned, approach clients where none are present, and find financing where none is available. Architects, don’t wait for the phone to ring. Read this now. Unsolicted Architecture is a bootleg edition from the archive of Volume Magazine prepared for the AIA National Conference in Sydney, April 2010. The concept of unsolicited architecture was first explored in a design studio run by Ole Bouman at MIT in 2007, the results of which were published in Volume 14, edited by Arjen Oosterman with Andrea Brennen, John Snavely and Ryan Murphy. This work has been continued by Anneke Abhelakh, Rory Hyde and Timothy Moore.

lighting #inspiration

THE BIG BUBBLE design Alex de Witte for Dark

Every piece is a unique, mouth-blown glass bubble.
Alex : I wanted to catch beauty and imagination in the reflections of a massive big
glass object. As a child we all played with blowing soap bubbles into the sky and
wondered how our breath was captured in a transparent fragile bubble.
Won the Design District Award 2013 for best product.
Available in transparent, smoke, smoke-green, red and amber



#termovalorizzatore da sci

E mentre noi siamo qui a discutere da anni sull’inceneritore di Ca’ del Bue a Verona, in Danimarca, BIG vince il concorso nel 2011 per costruire un termovalorizzatore con pista da sci. 

La costruzione dell’edificio è iniziata nel marzo del 2013 è sarà completata nel 2017.

Il progetto di BIG per l’impianto di termovalorizzazione di Copenaghen è il primo edificio al mondo che può permettersi di aggiungere un programma ludico a un impianto ad alta tecnologia.

Il termovalorizzatore assomiglierà ad una montagna artificiale, con tre tipi di pista da sci: blu, rossa e nera.

Per non farsi mancare nulla, il fumo inevitabilmente emesso per la presenza di vapore acqueo non viene lasciato defluire in modo tradizionale, ma giocosamente trasformato in anelli grazie a un sistema di valvole e filtri applicati al terminale dello scarico.

Immagini e fonti


